The Head of the Home

Ladies, we have it all wrong.

It hurts me when I hear women disrespect their husbands. The most degrading thing a man can hear, is his wife disrespect him. And the sad thing is that women do it publicly and think nothing about it. How many times have you heard a woman say “It doesn’t matter what he thinks, I’m going to do whatever I want.”, “He doesn’t have a say in the matter, this is my decision.” or “No, I don’t know what he wants and I really don’t care.”?

No wonder so many marriages in the United States end in divorce! Some women are living as if they are single and they forget that there is another partner in the marriage. They have an agenda and they push through to make things happen regardless of what the husband may feel about the decision.

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead



Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

The Head of the Home

God put the man over our household for a reason, and that’s where the man should stay. This is not LaDonna 101, this is what God has ordained. This is what the Lord has commanded in His word. And if we are to follow His will and create a peaceful home, then we are to follow His word. Granted, that your husband is following the will of God for the family.

I do understand that some women are only trying to make a better life for their family and home, and they have to be the spiritual leader in the house. That is not the issue that I am covering today.

A Spiritual Makeover

Ladies, PLEASE let’s have a spiritual “makeover” when it comes to this. I believe that some say degrading things to and about their husbands without even realizing what they are doing. It has come so naturally to demand and barge through whatever they want and never once ask or consider what the husband wants.

I would hope that the sweet, Christian lady that is reading this would want the best for her husband, children, and home life. And this is why I am discussing this topic today. Please be open and let God begin His work in you and allow yourself to become the Christian woman that He desires for you to be.

We should be able to have an opinion and have a say in what happens in our home, but we must also remember who God has put as the head over our home and there they must remain. By all means, understand that I am not bashing, I am merely bringing attention. So, how can we begin rearranging our thoughts and actions toward bringing back the meaning of husband and wife according to God’s will?

Biblical Backing

1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” Here we have it…black and white…plain and simple. The head of the woman is the man. Does that mean that he is to dominate and demand unfair duties and be belligerent? No. It means that our husband is to protect and provide for our family and give spiritual guidance to our family and home.

I’m going to put this in here as well…I don’t care how much money he makes or how much money you make. If you happen to bring in more income than your husband, I’m proud for you. I’m glad that God has blessed your family in such a way. But the Bible doesn’t say “Whosoever maketh the most money hath the final say”. For families and homes to run properly and have peace and stability, you must allow the husband to be what God has ordained him to be. Go ahead and continue bringing in the dough, but also remember in the grand scheme of things where he stands and where you stand concerning the home.

Submitting to Your Husband

Ephesians 5:22 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

A wife should put her husband first, as she does the Lord. Learn to love putting your husband first. To submit means to accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person. Now, please don’t get upset with me and start thinking wild thoughts about authority and superior force. I am not the one who has commanded you to submit, God did.

For those of us who have a controlling nature, it can be hard. I am raising my hand on this one because I do like to make sure everything runs smoothly and I like to have a say. But God can help you overcome that. When we submit ourselves to our husband, we are also submitting ourselves to God.

When we honor our spouses, we then bring glory to God. We are to be a helpmate, a loving hand and a gentle ear. I am not going to leave the husbands out either, they have to submit themselves to Christ, for Christ is the head of every man. They must do their own fair share of submitting.

Speak Life

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”

What are you speaking to your husband? Are you allowing life to flourish in him by the words you speak, or are you killing his very role as a husband? I present this to you…Begin to speak life into him and see how he grows as the leader of the home. Speak Bible verses over him as you pray for him. Send sweet texts to him throughout his day. Tell him how proud of him you are. Post sticky notes of encouragement on his mirror so he sees it as he begins his day. If you speak ill of him and to him, stop yourself the next time you begin. Remember this throughout your day, Speak Life, Speak Life, Speak Life.

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

Let Him Lead

Ladies, we have a great role in life as a wife and mother. We can move mountains with our prayers, we can turn the day around for our husband and children just by the gentle words we speak, and we can go to spiritual battle for our family. I am not saying that we can’t have a say in what goes on in our own home.

There are times that my husband and I have discussions on major events in our lives. If we disagree and can’t come to a middle ground, then we both pray about it. In the end, the Word of God tells me to submit and let him lead. And that’s what I do. I trust that he will submit to God and know the best outcome for our family. Trust your husband to make the right decision. Sometimes it’s not easy and we have to hold our tongues. But you can do it, sweet lady!

A few steps to help you submit yourself and allow the husband to lead:

  • In prayer, ask for the Lord to help you become more willing to accept the order of creation that He has set before you.
  • Become more aware of the words that you speak to your husband and the words that you speak about your husband in public.
  • Stop degrading your man and begin to encourage and lift him up. If he is used to you making the decisions in the home, then push him to make a decision on something, regardless if you like it or not. Give him time to think and process his thoughts.
  • Talk to him and let him know that you will step out of the way and allow him to be the husband and father that he needs to be.
  • Apologize if it is necessary. If you feel that you have unknowingly upset your husband by things you have said, then start fresh and tell him that you’re sorry. A small apology will go a long way in relationships.

When you begin to allow God to change you and allow the order of the home to change, there is no telling what He can do. Your home will have peace like never before and God will be able to carry out His will for your home and your life. This change of heart and mind may not happen overnight, but once God sees that you are committed to change, He will help. Just be patient and kind and have understanding.

If anyone has tips on how we can all better help encourage our husband’s role as head of the household, please leave a comment below.

Much love to you all!

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

Pray-For-Your-Husband-Challenge-E-mail-Challenge The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead

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11 comments on “The Head of the Home | Let Your Husband Lead”

  1. LaDonna, this is also a great message for singles who desire to get married and wills to do marriage God’s way. I watched/listened to a sermon by Paul Washer regarding this very topic 3 days ago. Just wanted you to know that your message is ministering to me, an unmarried woman. Thank you for sharing!

    • Berdie, this is my very goal through this blog, is to reach all women! Married, single, divorced, widowed. When I had the idea to write this, I had hoped it wouldn’t come across too harsh, but to also help us all be aware of how we are to love and submit to the spouse that God gives us. I am SO thankful that it spoke to you.

  2. Loved this LaDonna! I think every women needs to be reminded of how God wants us to respect our husbands. It sure makes our homes a lot happier!

    • Sondra, I agree! It does make for a happier, more peaceful home. So glad that you enjoyed it!

  3. Speak Life, Speak Life, Speak Life.

    Yes Yes Yes. So eloquently said. I see other young couples married and they ask how we do not struggle and argue all the time. We have struggles, everyone does… but when you submit to your husband and he submits to The Lord, you will be amazed at what happens in your life! Love this. 🙂

    • Thank you, Kiley! You are right, we all have struggles. But the Lord will give us guidance in situations when we submit to His will.

  4. LaDonna I’m so happy to be a part of your blog there are so many negative things on Facebook, it’s really good to see something spiritual and helpful for a change,may God continue to bless and keep you and your family is my prayer. Love you friend.

    • Thank You, Teressa! God Bless you and your family. Love you too, sweet lady.

  5. After the night meal I ask my husband three things. What do you want to wear. This is so he always looks his best, what do you want to eat.?
    This is so he gets to eat what he likes. The choices are beef,pork,chicken, and lamb. I get to choose how I want to make the meal. Lastly What can I do tommrow to make things easier? If I can do one chore that would give him more time at home I do it.

    • Cynthia, you sound like a very sweet and caring wife! Thank you for sharing with us all how we can make life a little easier for our husbands.

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