The Secret To Prosperity And Wealth

The Secret To Prosperity And Wealth What are prosperity and wealth? Is there truly a secret to gaining wealth and prosperity? Is this something we need in life? Let’s be honest, wealth is something that everyone wants. How many times have you heard someone say they would like to win the lottery? I’ve heard it […] Read more…

money management tips

Money Management Tips That Work

13 Money Management Tips That Work (#4 Might Sting A Little) I truly believe that everyone can get out of debt if they put their mind to it. My husband and I are currently on our advanced debt-free journey. While we rarely use credit cards and do not have vehicle payments, we are pursuing not […] Read more…

Money Mindset Affirmations

The #1 Reason Why You’re Always Broke

The #1 Reason Why You’re Always Broke My friend, listen…I want to help you. So please keep reading about the #1 reason why you’re always broke. And the surprising thing is that it has nothing to do with money! You are frustrated, tired of being broke and ready for a change in the way things […] Read more…


Children | A Season of Thanks Thankful For My Children Children are an amazing gift from God to be thankful for! I’m sure you are thinking in your mind that you aren’t sure if you’re getting this motherhood thing right. But with God’s guidance, you can do this. You could probably look at the strongest […] Read more…


Husband | A Season of Thanks Thankful for My Husband I asked my amazing community on my Facebook Page what they were most thankful for. The one thing they kept saying was how thankful they are for their husbands. I have to agree. I am thankful for my husband! A husband is that one person […] Read more…

host a bible study

Step Into Your Calling | Host A Bible Study

Step Into Your Calling | Host A Bible Study Friend, it’s time to put fear aside and step into your calling that God is calling you to! Today I want to talk a little bit from my heart. Can I share with you a passion that is burning inside of me? This has been a […] Read more…

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