7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis

With the many fast changes happening in our world today I’m sure you are wondering just how a Christian Mom can thrive during a crisis. And still do the things that God has called her to do.

To thrive means to prosper, flourish, or grow well. What is so amazing is that we have PLENTY of Bible verses that we can turn to that promise our prosperity during hardship.

You may wonder why you would be able to thrive when the rest of the world seems to be crumbling. It’s because of who you are in Christ! I want you to take this to heart, my friend.

When you live a righteous life before God, He is going to bless you. Being in covenant with God is a contract or a promise of His peace, safety, favor, protection, health, and prosperity. And God does not break His promises or go back on His Word (Num. 23:19; Isa. 55:11)

Here are 7 ways a Christian Mom can thrive during a crisis.

Don’t panic; Stay Calm

Hey girlfriend, just take a few deep breaths. Calmly think through what is going on and know that you will make it through. Listen to Christian music to help take your mind off of your anxiousness. Relax your body as you breath, relax your face, lower your shoulders. Step outside for fresh air. Maybe it would help you to write down what you’re feeling anxious about and then write a Bible verse countering why you are anxious.

Limit Your Media Intake

This goes for social media and television media. Please be careful of how much time your are spending keeping up with the media. Yes, it can be informative in situations. But it can also cause anxiety and undue stress. You need to keep your thoughts on positive aspects of your life and not cloud them with things that you feel you cannot control.

Laugh and Have Fun

Laughter is like a medicine as it says in Proverbs 17:22 – A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. There may be a crisis going on in the world around you, but you can choose to find something to be merry and smile about. Do something fun with your family to help take your mind off of the current circumstance.

Know What You Can and Cannot Control

God is ultimately in control. We know and understand that what we cannot control, He is in control!

You can control your attitude and mindset. Your reaction and how you choose to respond. Once you take the situation out of your hands and place them into God’s hands, you will feel more at peace.

Spend Time With God

This should actually be the #1 thing you do. Before everything else, get alone with God. Share your fears, your uncertainties, your doubts, your concerns. And then let Him speak into your spirit and soothe your soul. There is nothing more powerful and peaceful than sitting alone with your open Bible and a prayer in your heart. This is when God moves.

Work On Big Goals

Maybe you have had a goal to reorganize your closet. Perhaps you would like to start Bible Journaling but haven’t had the time. If you would like to learn about Bible Journaling go visit my friend Lillian at Hey Creative Sister! She can teach you all about Bible Journaling. You could be someone who has had a dream to start an online business to serve God. Or maybe you have a big project in mind that you have been putting off. Take the time to work on your big goals. It will help you feel accomplished. This will also give you something else to think about other than the crisis you are in.

Practice Gratitude

Write in a journal! What makes you happy at present? Think of at least 5 things that you know you can thank God for and write them down. After you write your list, pray over it. Sit in silence and be thankful. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of trouble. But can you find truth in gratitude? Throughout your day speak out the things you are thankful for. This will shift your mindset and allow you to focus on the good, rather than the bad.

We all will go through a crisis at some point in our lives. But as a Christian Mom we can rise above the chaos and focus on what God has given us.

Remember to Stay Calm and Don’t Panic, Limit Your Media Intake, Laugh and Have Fun, Know What You Can and Cannot Control, Spend Time With God, Work On Big Goals, and Practice Gratitude.

We do not have to live in fear and uncertainty. We are a Child of God.

LaDonna-signature 7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis

LaDonna-signature 7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis

LaDonna-signature 7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis

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LaDonna-signature 7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis
LaDonna-signature 7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis

1 comment on “7 Ways A Christian Mom Can Thrive During A Crisis”

  1. Hey, LaDonna! I love these tips. It’s so funny because I actually wrote a similar post recently on finding joy during quarantine! We really do write what we know. I’ve been having to be so intentional to be thankful and joyful during a time where it would be so easy to wallow. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thankful it’s almost over though. Thank you for sharing!

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