Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Hey girlfriend! So I get it…You have this amazing dream and you would love nothing more than to focus all of your time on it. But life happens.

Don’t be discouraged! I have some amazing tips for you to implement to help you focus what little time you do have to create the life of your dreams. You deserve this and I know that you can do this.

Instead of doing a lot of talking, I’m just going to get right to it.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Track Your Time

For one full week, you need to track your time and where you’re spending it. I know that you’ve heard it said: “We all have the same 24 hours in a day”. Yes, that may be true but my life looks different than yours, and your life looks different than others. With that being said, sometimes we have to get smart about what we do with our time. So track it. At every hour you should write down everything that you have done. Be honest about this and true to yourself. It’s the only way you can truly know what to change to better use your time toward becoming an amazingly successful woman!

Abby at Successful Freelance Mom has great tips on this to help you get started.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Do One Small Act A Day

When you do this one small act a day, it becomes a habit. Don’t try to “Go Big” with this because it will become overwhelming and you will eventually stop. But if you do one small act per day toward your goal and add to it, it then becomes a noticeable milestone reached. For example, I would love to write thousands of words a day to my amazing audience but with being a mommy and wife I’m lucky to get any writing done in a day. Sitting down to write for 10 minutes seems much more doable to me than writing a thousand-word post.

I’ve heard this example given before. You want to begin flossing your teeth but it seems overwhelming to you. You brush your teeth every day so after you do that, just decide to floss one tooth. It’s not that hard. But once you get into that act of flossing one tooth, add to it. You will eventually be able to floss all of your teeth without feeling overwhelmed.

Be Honest About Priorities

Most people will try to do all the things all at once. Negative. You will get burnt out. Please don’t try to do this. Instead, make a list for the day you are able to focus on your project. Say “It’s not a priority for me” and see how it makes you feel. Writing a list absolutely helps keep you on track, but saying those words helps you to keep the focus on the most important priorities. There may be times that you will feel a struggle but you must choose something. Recognize what step will help you further yourself to major success and then take that step.

Decide What Is A Priority

No matter what your friends think, what your parents think, or what your mind is telling you, you must decide in your heart what is a priority to you. And stick to it. Prioritize your life for this season that you are in. Most people do not feel the burning desire and passion that you feel in the pit of your stomach. That’s okay, this is your dream and not theirs. But you’ve got to set the standard of what is a priority to you to fully succeed.

Put blinders on

You have got to FOCUS! What does “put your blinders on” mean? It’s the analogy of a horse or mule. When a mule is put to work, the owner will put blinders around the mule’s eyes so that all they can see is what is in front of them. The mule cannot look at what is going on around them and become distracted. When we put our blinders on we are saying to ourselves “I don’t care what else is going on. I see what is ahead and I’m trudging through until I get there”. When the mule has his blinders on, it knows that it’s time to get to work. Put those blinders on and get to work.

Silence Words

You will hear much talk. It’s going to happen and most of it will come from yourself! Keep positive words and thoughts around you. When you hear negative words, get away from it. Successful people know how to tune out words that try to suppress their worth and success. Recognize when you begin to think doubtful thoughts and place them with positive words and affirmations.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Align with like people

Align yourself with people who are on the same path. Befriend at least one person you can talk with about your business or dream of success that will encourage you to reach for the stars. Find that person who is going through something similar that will understand your frustrations and the lingo you use. Get a network of people in your niche for accountability. You need these people in your corner. You cannot go this road alone.

Push away fear and fuel your faith

Fear is going to happen but you will have to learn to face that fear to get over the hurdle. You will come to obstacles and if you allow it, fear will hold you back from ever breaking through and reaching goals. Use scriptures from the Bible to encourage you to face your fears. Use scriptures to fuel your passion and ministry. You will be successful.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Don’t Procrastinate

Successful people cannot procrastinate and put off work that needs to be done. No one else is going to do this for you. For every day that you put off doing the work that is at hand, it’s another day keeping you from reaching the top. Just do the work. Take the project that you are needing to complete piece by piece until it’s done. Don’t allow yourself to stall just because you feel something is too overwhelming to complete.

Stay Committed

Be willing to see this thing through. Many people give up just before a major breakthrough in success. Don’t let this be your story. There are many stories of how someone almost gave up and they decided to stick with it and had a major breakthrough the next month. Most success stories do not happen overnight or immediately. True success takes time and diligence. It takes grit and digging in your heels to get it done. Remind yourself of why you have that burning passion.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Don’t Quit Your Day Dream

Girlfriend, don’t quit…don’t quit. Whatever you do, keep your dream alive. If you believe in this thing 100% then you have no other choice but to keep at it. Successful people have obstacles, they have things to deal with, they have technical difficulties. But they do not quit. It’s just not an option.

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

Start-Here-AD Super Effective Tips To Become Successful

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